Caleb Ministries


The Caleb Leadership Ministries Leadership Course

We'll help you become a “Team Builder”

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Pastors and leaders of both flourishing and struggling churches and missions have found the Caleb Leadership Course provides the skills needed to deal with the challenges of growth or of sparking renewed life in their organisations.

The topics have been selected from proven materials used and approved by the International Training Alliance, an informal cooperating group, comprising trainers from Operation Mobilisation, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Caleb Australia and Caleb NZ who work together to bring this training to Pastors and Mission Leaders internationally.

Focused on producing skilled leaders with Godly character, the Caleb Leadership Course coaches you in skills that are appropriate to both your family life and ministry life.

Trainees learn

Relationship Skills – Participants learn five essential principles of building effective relationships within the church and ministry teams but more particularly with the

Communication Skills – They will learn how to develop and tell short faith stories powerfully. They will learn how to link these stories together into a powerfully effective ‘message’.

Leadership Skills – Participants learn about what the role of a leader is in discovering the purpose of God for their organisation and how leadership functions in a team context.

Management Skills – The students will learn about the biblical basis for managing your team and will develop skills and understanding in five key areas. These areas are; Planning, organising, directing and coordinating, supervising and evaluating all that goes into the ministry of the church and its mission. They will learn that the key role of the leader is to make their team successful and in so doing will be successful themselves.

Creativity Skills – An area often not encouraged will be encouraged and constructs will be taught that enable Pastors and Para Church leaders to release the creativity within their organisations and harness that creativity in an effective way.

Training Skills – We aim to help participants pass on their learning and develop an understanding of how each organisation needs to become a learning organisation.

Motivation Skills – We spend time teaching people how to motivate a group of people within their church/mission contexts moving in a co-ordinated fashion toward the mission and vision of the church.

Decision Making Skills – One of the frequent blockers in a church is the inability to make effective and timely decisions which bring a disparate group of people in behind the decision. Participants will learn how to do this with any size group of people from the small ministry team to the whole church.

Life Management – Each participant will be given skills in looking at nine areas of their life in Christ and beginning to plan for what they may achieve in the balance of their life. We believe that each pastor is more than a pastor and needs to get a balance in their life and work to be effective.

Seven Elements of Leadership

Seven Elements of Leadership emerge throughout the course and the graduate should have:

  1. A vision of where he/she is going
  2. The ability to communicate this vision clearly to his/her followers
  3. The skills and compassion to care for their team with a shepherd's heart
  4. An understanding of the difference between Leadership and Management roles and skills to function competently in both
  5. A deep desire to continue learning and growing
  6. The resolve to handle the pain that comes with leadership positions.
  7. The anointing of the Holy Spirit of God on his/her life.

The course is intense but highly interactive and relies on a tested strategy of giving packets of knowledge followed by skill practice before building on the knowledge. All this is done in an atmosphere of affirmation.

The Caleb Leadership Courses provide 11 days of intensive, interactive, practical training for Pastors and Missions Leaders.

The course for 2025 is in Auckland. The course fee will be $NZ1650 - it includes:

  • 2 Comprehensive Manuals
  • All required stationery
  • Accommodation and meals at a weekend camp only
  • Organisation of billets where needed

Each course is interactive. Skills are learned and reinforced through practice and application.

To ensure a place in the course register your interest early.

Your trainers have had experience both in training and in ministry positions

Senior Pastors, with years of ministry behind them frequently comment at the end of the course that they wish the course had been available to them years before.


I attended the Caleb course in Nelson in 2021. On the first day while at lunch I was asked what one of my dreams were. Working as a school counsellor I had noticed that there was a need for a program to help youth (especially girls) with their self-esteem, I mentioned how I would love to run one, but I didn’t have the time to create such a program. I was asked if I had heard of the Shine Girl Program. Nicky who we were staying with while in Nelson, had mentioned in passing that she mangoes the Shine Programs in Nelson.

After talking to Nicky and doing some research I realised the potential that the program had for our youth, and I used my 12min talk to convince Shanan. The rest as they say was history.

With the support of Connect we ran our first program in term 2 2022 and as of the end of 2023 we have run 12 programs including in four different schools. Over 100 girls have graduated so far.

The feedback from the girls, parents and the community has been positive and supportive. This year we have also introduced the Shine Women program and in 2025 we are starting the Strength program for the boys.

School Counsellor


"[In 2000] the Caleb Leadership course was just what I needed. Having been in ministry for 4 years I was hungry for more skills that would increase my capacity to serve effectively. The Caleb course empowered me to think strategically, communicate powerfully, delegate accurately and manage skilfully. It was the right course at the right time."

"Over the years our church staff has increased in number. So when I was looking for courses for my staff team to attend I was confident that Caleb would deliver. So in 2007 I sent two of our women pastors to attend the course. They came back filled with vision and skill for how they could increase their capacity for ministry. They haven't looked back since."

"I can thoroughly commend the Caleb leadership course to anyone regardless of how long they have been in ministry. The course is practical and deeply transformational. The Caleb team are enthusiastic and experienced. It should be a mandatory experience."

Rev. Craig Vernall
Senior Minister
Bethlehem Baptist Church

Course Details

The 2025 course will be held in Auckland, 22rd July to 1st August.

  • The Registration Fee of $NZ150.00 to accompany the application
  • The balance $NZ1500.00 is payable by the first morning of the course by cash or internet banking. We do not have credit card or EFTPOS facilities
  • Early-bird reduction of $100.00 if total fee is paid by the 28th May 2024.
  • We are not registered for GST

The costs include:

  • 2 Comprehensive Course Manuals
  • All stationery required for the course
  • Meals and accommodation for weekend camp only
  • Arrangement of billets as needed


Applicants are free to arrange their own accommodation in the area for the time not spent at the weekend camp or Caleb will organise billets.

The numbers for the course are limited.

Register Online

For more information please contact:
Rex Booth, Director
021 100 7277

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